My cup of tea
I can't recall when I first tried a cup of that hot drink but I hated it. It was a strange taste - impure water as it seemed to me. Years passed and the common sense that tea is for ill people slowly faded. So the day came that I would re-try something that I couldn't understand before. It happened with Pink Floyd, with Madonna and with Quentin Tarantino - I waited for the right time to enjoy all this - so why would tea be any different?
I tried different types, flavours, blends, etc. I looked for some of the best brands and slowly the hot drink came into my life. Not a single day passes that I will not have a cup of tea, carefully prepared (the care and dedication I put in it depends on my frame of mind).
My choices of tea depend on several factors: time of the day, physical condition, state of mind, company, etc. In a typical morning situation I take English Breakfast or some strong unflavoured dark tea - "wake up and smell the tea". After lunch I would rather have Ceylan or green tea (either with lemon or mint). Then night falls and Earl Grey is the best for the late hours - the cytrus flavour softens the otherwise strong taste.
If I happen to be in a more introspective mood Earl Grey or Lady Grey are the best for meditation - watch the water changing its color as it passes through the leaves; feel the heat of the cup; smoke rising and the smell invading the soul. Four minutes later we have my favourite drink. It has something spiritual - one can feel out of itself ("je suis an autre" when I have my tea alone). And that is why I love having tea alone. The time that the leaves stay on the hot water, the temperature, and the way the water falls over the leaves are very important to me. I know that most of the times it does not make such a big difference but I do care for details and there is a psychological factor in my ritual.
It is like a daily prayer and since I do not pray in the common meaning of the word there are some situations when I have this contact with the divine things - tea time is one of those.
If you have any doubts try one. And next time you are about to ask for an expresso try something different and don't overlook the sensations and feelings you may get from a single cup of tea when it is taken in the right place at the right time.
I tried different types, flavours, blends, etc. I looked for some of the best brands and slowly the hot drink came into my life. Not a single day passes that I will not have a cup of tea, carefully prepared (the care and dedication I put in it depends on my frame of mind).
My choices of tea depend on several factors: time of the day, physical condition, state of mind, company, etc. In a typical morning situation I take English Breakfast or some strong unflavoured dark tea - "wake up and smell the tea". After lunch I would rather have Ceylan or green tea (either with lemon or mint). Then night falls and Earl Grey is the best for the late hours - the cytrus flavour softens the otherwise strong taste.
If I happen to be in a more introspective mood Earl Grey or Lady Grey are the best for meditation - watch the water changing its color as it passes through the leaves; feel the heat of the cup; smoke rising and the smell invading the soul. Four minutes later we have my favourite drink. It has something spiritual - one can feel out of itself ("je suis an autre" when I have my tea alone). And that is why I love having tea alone. The time that the leaves stay on the hot water, the temperature, and the way the water falls over the leaves are very important to me. I know that most of the times it does not make such a big difference but I do care for details and there is a psychological factor in my ritual.
It is like a daily prayer and since I do not pray in the common meaning of the word there are some situations when I have this contact with the divine things - tea time is one of those.
If you have any doubts try one. And next time you are about to ask for an expresso try something different and don't overlook the sensations and feelings you may get from a single cup of tea when it is taken in the right place at the right time.
Posso comentar em português? Ou isto é só pa "estrangeiros"?
Bom, tenho que dizer que estou impressionada. Não só com o alto nível de inglês (que inveja!), mas também porque o texto me fez sentir um inesperado carinho pelo chá, bebida que toda a gente sabe que eu não gosto, por não ter carácter (é assim desenxabida e pouco decidida).
No entanto confesso que me tenho rendido aos poucos. Primeiro foram os amigos de línguas diversas, reunidos em volta de mesas com canecas fumegantes. Primeiro eu dizia "no thanks, I don't like tea". Mas depois decidi beber, só para fazer o mesmo que eles. Voltei para casa com uma estranha vontade de partilhar o meu chá com alguém. Mas sozinha não fazia sentido, não faz ainda. Depois vieste tu e as explicações científicas, as marcas, a técnica, os minutos certos. E eu a beber "ofensas" de morango e pêssego.
Hoje acredito que o chá é um ritual. Acompanhado propicia confissões, incita à conversa; sozinho dá-nos o tempo para pensar. Sim, como uma espécie de oração. Mas tu sabes que eu tenho medo de rezar.
Podes comentar em Português, então não podes. :)
O que importa é comentar (desde já obrigado pela visita e pelo contributo) e com comentários assim, venham mas é mais. ;)
O chá pode ter um carácter forte, como um vinho, um prato confeccionado ou outra iguaria qualquer.
Há que compreender as subtilezas no sabor, as diferenças imensas entre cada um. E há que preparar a peça com arte :)
Como uma oração (Like a Prayer), cantava a Madonna
Amazing what discussions can tea create. Have to agree to "i", suddenly I have the desire to drink tea which I will be doing now :)
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